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I got a buddy who claims he was the first Owner-Builder on Camano Island. The year was 1977, the same year I bought my shack. I met him 13 years later and we ended up building 3 sailboats together, one for each of us and one for his pal the building inspector who became my friend too. Ironically, I may be one of the last Owner-Builders in Island County. I don’t think my permit was ever signed off on so I may well be the last official O-B...... More at The Skeeter Daddle Diaries ➜

Back when the neighbors had dairy cows, we used to get our milk direct from the udder. Unpasteurized, no growth hormone, no antibiotic whole milk. Course, back then we were told by the FDA and the food scientists that this would increase our chances of heart disease and diabetes. But …! If we took a baby aspirin a day, we could lessen those chances. Sort of like driving over the speed limit but wearing a seat belt. You get in a wreck, you might survive..... More at The Skeeter Daddle Diaries ➜

A Comment by Loy

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Loy • 01/06/2025 at 05:21PM • Like Profile

Good article and so true. He is such a good writer!

"In September, the U.S. Geological Survey Cascades Volcano Observatory (CVO) and Pacific Northwest Seismic Network (PNSN) located six earthquakes at Mount Adams, ranging from magnitudes 0.9 to 2.0. Typically, earthquakes at this volcano are located at a rate of about 1 earthquake every 2-3 years. With just one seismic station near the volcano, monitoring capabilities are currently limited. CVO and PNSN plan to install temporary seismic stations in the Mount Adams area, which will allow detection of smaller earthquakes and better estimates of size, location, and depth, information necessary to assess the significance of the activity. Currently, there is no indication that the level of earthquake activity is cause for concern, and the alert level and color code for Mount Adams remain at GREEN / NORMAL. CVO and the PNSN will continue to monitor earthquake activity and release further updates as the situation warrants". More

There are only two moments each year when the Sun lies directly above Earth’s equator. These moments are the equinoxes, when, at any location, the lengths of day and night are roughly equal. The March equinox happens sometime between March 19 and 21. The September equinox occurs sometime between September 21 and 24.
In the Northern Hemisphere, the March equinox marks the beginning of Spring and the September equinox the beginning of Fall. The reverse takes place in the Southern Hemisphere.

"If you’ve ever attended one of the free lectures at the Elger Bay Institute of Aesthetic Enlargement, you know that continuing education flourishes on the erudite South End. For those of you who have cable TV, you probably feel like you don’t need to take advantage of the Institute’s seminars, tutorials and lectures offered to the public, not when you can get every episode of every series made since Milton Berle brought enlightenment to America through the magic of television"..... More at The Skeeter Daddle Diaries ➜

"I guess since all my cronies are throwing in the towel and taking retirement on schedule, it’s only reasonable I’ve been getting calls from the Mabana Financial Services asking if I’d like to come on down to their lavish offices overlooking the Port of Mabana and discuss fiscal strategies for my upcoming Golden Years. Ho ho, would I ever? Course, like I tell Ben, the head honcho down at MFS, it’s a little like saddling up the horse that ske-daddled when I left the barn door open back in my earning years. Earning years. Old Ben loves expressions like that". More at The Skeeter Daddle Diaries ➜


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