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Posted by MFish


Posted by MFish Profile 07/17/24 at 10:14PM Share Humor See more by MFish

Driving down the highway,
going lickety split,
I felt a bump, as if
it was something I hit.

I stopped the car,
as quick as I could.
Feeling awkward, I saw,
I had misunderstood.

Out in the highway,
in the middle of the road,
there stood a species,
of an orange, spotted Toad.

"Why did you hit me?"
the toad began to speak.
I looked and said,
oh, you orange, spotted geek.

Why were you in the roadway,
when you should have been in the bog?
Don't worry about me he said,
I'm not your ugly dog.

Snohomish, Skagit and Island County

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